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Privacy Policy

Breathe Calm Wellbeing is committed to ensuring that your privacy & data is protected. When you contact me, you can be assured that your data will only be used in accordance with the privacy statement below. 


Please note that if you join my events that are organised by other studios, your data will be subject to their privacy policy which may differ from the following terms.


Core Principles regarding user privacy & data protection


  • User privacy & data protection are inviolable human rights

  • I have a duty of care to people contained within this data

  • Data is a liability: it should only be collected & processed when absolutely necessary

  • I hate spam in all its forms

  • I will never sell, rent or otherwise distribute or make public any personal information


Personal Data: Name, Email Address, Phone Number


I have a legitimate interest to retain your contact details while you are attending classes or sessions so that I can keep you up to date. I will contact you primarily by email. You will only receive a text in the event of a last-minute class or session cancellation.


Your name, email address & phone number will be stored safely. Names & emails will be stored securely in my email system (Gmail – protected via Google privacy systems) which is accessed on my laptop & phone. My laptop, phone & email system are all password protected. My laptop security is protected by Microsoft anti-virus software. Contact numbers in my phone are updated yearly.  If you have not attended a class for a complete year, your number will be deleted from my phone.


When you complete your initial health form, you consent to be added to the newsletter list (stored securely on the Wix website platform in the ShoutOut database) so that I can keep you informed of class changes & events. You will be added to the list unless you tick the Opt Out box on the form as you are an existing client & I have a legitimate reason to keep you informed about classes & events. You will only receive a newsletter occasionally (approx. every 4 - 8 weeks). Wix Shoutout is a third party data processor but your data will only be used for the newsletter & will not be shared with any other third parties. You can unsubscribe at any time using the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter or emailing me. If you don't unsubscribe, our email address will remain in the Wix 'ShoutOut' database for as long as I continue to use this system.


Once you have left Breathe Calm classes or sessions, you can request that your contact details are deleted. They will be deleted from Gmail, the Wix website & phone within one month of receiving the request. If you do not request that your contact details are deleted, you may still receive occasional newsletters (approx. every 4 - 8 weeks) but you can unsubscribe at any time using the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter.


Personal Data: Health forms, Consent Forms, 121 Assessment Forms, Client Notes


Your safety & comfort are my priority. I have a lawful basis for retaining health details (physical &/or mental as applicable) while you are attending classes or sessions so that I can plan classes or sessions to suit your individual needs.  


The information on these forms is kept confidential & will not be shared with any third parties (except with your express written permission or with medical professionals in an emergency situation).  Forms are stored securely in paper format in a locked box at my home (& by email attachment if you reply electronically).


I bring health forms for current clients to yoga classes to enable me to teach safely. However at your written request, I will only bring your emergency contact number to class & your form will be stored securely at home.


Forms & notes will be stored securely for up to seven years. I have lawful basis to retain this data to enable me to ensure your safety & comfort, to ensure continuity of care & to protect myself.


Current clients are regularly asked to update personal details. At the start of each calendar year, I request that you complete a new health form.


You can request to see any data I hold on you – I will supply this within one month.


Data Breaches


I will report any unlawful data breaches to the relevant people & authorities within 72 hours of the breach if it is apparent that personal data stored in an identifiable manner has been stolen.


Website Data Protection


This website uses the Wix platform. 


What Wix do to ensure data protection

  • Wix employ full-time security consultants, dedicated to the security of customer information.  

  • Wix's signup & login services are completed through a secure server (HTTPS/SSL). 

  • Wix uses cryptography hash functions to protect your information. Passwords are stored as hash digests &, in the event of a security breach, the original password cannot be recovered from Wix servers.  

  • Wix is certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework & the Swiss-US privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce, regarding the collection, use, & retention of personal information transferred from the European Union & Switzerland to the United States, & therefore adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles.


Wix Privacy Policy:


Website Visitation Tracking


-Like most websites, this site uses Google Analytics (GA) to track user interaction.


-This data is used to determine the number of people using this site & to understand how they use the site.


-Although GA records data such as your approximate geographical location, device, internet browser & operating system, none of this information personally identifies you to us.


-GA also records your computer’s IP address which could be used to personally identify you but Google do not grant us access to this. We consider Google to be a third party data processor.


-GA makes use of cookies, details of which can be found on Google’s developer guides.


-For your information, this website uses the Wix implementation of GA.


-Disabling cookies on your internet browser will stop GA from tracking any part of your visit to pages within this website.


Website Content & Links


-Photographs where students are identifiable are used with their written permission.


-Certain links on the website lead to websites controlled by other parties over whom Breathe Calm Wellbeing has no control. Breathe Calm cannot guarantee the accuracy of any third party information & expressly disclaims any liability.


-Any information given by Breathe Calm Wellbeing is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as advice or as a substitute for appropriate physical or mental health support by qualified practitioners.


-This site & all the information it contains, including but not limited to, name, logos, text, blog posts & photographs, are the property of Breathe Calm Wellbeing. In some instances, stock photographs have been downloaded with permission. If other photographs have been used, they are my own or have been reproduced with credit to the photographer. Reviews on the website are genuine & have been published with clients’ permission. All rights to all content are reserved.


Owner Contact Details


Amy McMillan

Breathe Calm Wellbeing

6 The Crossways





This privacy statement may be updated occasionally so please ensure that you check this page from time to time.  This page was last updated on 22/12/22

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